Webmasters To Save Startup Costs Via New Resources
Released on: May 30, 2008, 9:10 am
Press Release Author: Todd Theil
Industry: Small Business
Press Release Summary: A new resource in the osCommerce plugin industry has announced that it is offering a large multitude of premade plugins- available without having to pay high rates associated with hiring professional developers.
Press Release Body: A new resource is giving back to the webmaster community by offering premade osCommerce plugins at discount rates.
The resource, ConceptLaboratory.com, has provided the solution after seeing a problem in how osCommerce plugins were developed. The common process in getting an osCommerce plugin usually involves hiring professional developers that can cost hundreds to thousands of dollarts- yet ConceptLaboratory.com is offering the plugins at next to nothing.
Included in their packages of helpful osCommerce is the vastly popular free plugin section. In this section, ConceptLaboratory.com gives webmasters free plugins and tools to better their osCommerce experience- and request nothing in return but loyalty and appreciation.
ConceptLaboratory.com strives to be a leader in its industry, stating ".we know the ins and outs of osCommerce and its offspring platforms like the back of our hands and welcome your requests however difficult or unique they might be."
As time wears on, it is expected that ConceptLaboratory.com will remain at the top of the successful resource they have created. Their loyal fan base and group of clients will continue to push the resource to new heights, measures, and go above and beyond the call of duty in providing excellen osCommerce support and plugins.
Web Site: http://conceptlaboratory.com/
Contact Details: Todd Theil Jl Waribang No 1A, Denpasar Bali, Indonesia 62-361-285-385
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